March 28, 2007

And now for something completely unexpected...

Life is good now. Life is inexplicably good (because I'm sitting next to the incredibly sexy Heather Lilek...but going on)

I was cast in Light Opera of Oklahoma's summer season doing four shows in rotation over two months. I'm incredibly excited about that. Check out the website for more info on the season: (

I'm also participating in OCU's STRIPPED New Musicals Project for the second year in a row. I'll be playing the role of Eliot in an exciting new work called Discovering Magenta ( We perform April 15th at 8pm. If you can come, do. If you are Andy "my only reader" Fontaine and you are reading this, you're already coming because you're in it.

In other news, my knee has miraculously stopped all that obnoxious crackling and clicking. It happened Sunday. I don't know why or how, so I'm not going to push my luck. I'm just thanking whatever force granted this miracle because it has made my life grand.

It's funny how once that cleared up, I started worrying about everything else again. I almost settled into the mindset of someone who is dying and has no space to worry about petty drama. Now my leg is healed and bring on the drama. I'm trying to set myself apart from it, but I can't help it sometimes.

1 comment:

Andy said...

word to stripped! and again, congrats on LOOK! I wanted to do it too... sweeney is amazing, so that'll be a blast. alas, i need more money so i did not audition. its all gravy, good for you.