April 9, 2007

[insert seismic nasal explosion here]

Ladies and Gentlemen (ahem. Gentleman), allergy season is once again in full swing. If you have known me for a while, you know that I am not a happy camper come springtime. While everyone else anxiously waits for the first bird of spring to whistle his happy tune, I dread it. I know that with that joyous refrain comes coughing and sneezing and tissues and headaches and itchy eyes and (really, do I need to continue?)...
All this sneezing is really inconvenient. Perhaps if I looked cute when I sneezed, things wouldn't be so horrible. Alas, I am not a tiger. Boo for me.
I'll be much happier once I get my allergy medicine. A few phone calls and a nice friend with a car can procure that for me. Until I get that, I'll keep up with the tissues, vitamin C, water, echinacea, and (shocker!) coffee. Coffee is surprisingly good for my allergies. I don't even know why. I'm a music major. I don't have to.
In other news, I turn 21 on Thursday. Let's hope these allergies clear up a bit, ya? I can't be sick for rehearsal.

1 comment:

Andy said...

well, you are a tiger. or will be on friday. i was today.