April 16, 2007

I have so many things...

Things I either know, do not understand, both, or neither:

- I currently live with four other people. I live in a four person apartment. One of my roommates does not pay rent.

- My Japanese roommate sings along to female J-Pop at the top of his lungs - in the original octave.

- I have so many single and attractive gay male friends in my life. I have not been on a date in months.

- Sex is the motivation for all human action.

- I feel so much forward motion in my life, yet I can still trick myself into thinking that my life is completely stagnant.

- Depression is the new pink.

- I don't look that great in old pictures.

- I look pretty good now.

- I need a haircut.

- People think I'm talented and funny.

- I am talented and funny.

- I pretended to masturbate in front of a packed house last night. That was fine.

- I don't think I could ever be a stripper.

- More and more I'm caring less and less.

- Something tells me that last statement is stolen.

- I don't care.

-I'm really amazed that I unintentionally stole from Hoku.


Andy said...

word, to all of the above!

andrea said...

I believe that last line was indeed stolen from Hoku's 1999 classic "The Burrito Song."